Signs of Spring

by Alex Williams

Signs of Spring

Pupil Barristers get released onto an unsuspecting public in the spring, six months after they start their pupillages in chambers the previous October. Every April, like green shoots, pupil barristers pop up in court rooms all across the country, wigged and gowned, for judges to correct their mistakes patiently and take pity on them. Experiences advocates love it - a pupil is like a baby lamb to the slaughter, easy meat for a well-seasoned pro.

Unsuspecting clients beware, these young neophytes may look the part, they may even talk a good game but they are rarely the polished advocates that the client is hoping for. If they are anything like I was when I first got to my feet - they are complete rubbish. Beware the spring pupil and, as lawyers say - caveat emptor.

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